Winter solstice felt particularly poignant this year. The heaviness of our darkest days, juxtaposed with the undeniable hopefulness of a return to light. At precisely 2:02 am last night, the exact moment of this astronomical event, I found myself awake and peered outside, hoping for a glimpse of the great conjunction "Christmas Star" of Saturn and Jupiter.
Only clouds. No 800-year-in-the-making event for me. Bummer.
I awoke to a pouring rain that felt like the sky was weeping. It was difficult to not feel a little low.
But then the raindrops thickened. Hail. And finally.... snow! The mood shift in my household was palpable. A flurry of finding snow gear to fit each child. Snow ball fights. Three kittens taking their first tentative steps into the white unknown.
Perfection. Gratitude. Hot chocolate, a cozy fire and board games.
Life has taught me that all experience is created internally through subjective perception. External circumstances, like rain or snow, are incapable of creating our experience.
But let's be honest... these days, I'll take all the help I can get.
I wish you and yours the merriest of holidays. And perhaps a little unexpected dusting of joy.